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This School Has Maintained an overall Bar Exam Pass Rate of Above 80% for the Past 5 years
It’s 2018, and with bar exam results in full swing, check out our complete updated list of all states here. However, last week Louisiana released the results of their bar exam and once again LSU maintained the highest bar exam result in the state, having consistently...
How to Outline Your Law School Course
Normally, I don’t write about my own law school experience, but in this case I think it appropriate. During my first year of law school my study group was offered another student’s course outline. Thinking it would save us a bunch of time we said sure, expecting it...
UA Law School Named for Hugh F. Culverhouse Jr. in Recognition of $26.5 Million Donation
University of Alabama now named Hugh F. Culverhouse Jr. School of Law at The University of Alabama after receiving a $26.5 million donation from Hugh Culverhouse, a successful businessman and attorney. The school has named that it will be using the funds for:...
2018 July Bar Exam Results
The Bar Exam results for all States will become available as they are released. Estimated dates for results being released are published if available. If you have additional information, or know of a result that has been published, please leave it in the comments...
Should You Consolidate Your Law School Student Loans?
If you didn’t read about the prior article about how to get a jump on your student loans, we recommend you go catch up and read it. Before answering the question of whether you should consolidate your student loans, the first thing to figure out is what student loans...
Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law Moves Towards a Plastic Free Campus!
With all the environmental changes taking place right now, it is great to see a law school stepping forward and joining the effort at eliminating unnecessary plastic at school campuses. Elisabeth Haub School of Law announced last week that it has added numerous...