About Law School HQ

Hello everyone,

I am an attorney and analyst. One of the things that has fascinated me is stats and trends surrounding bar exam passage rates, job statistics, etc. Now, instead of litigating, I spend my time using visual analytic software such as excel and tableau to pull information out of data. This blog is a place to share that information, as well as a place to provide resources for individuals who are studying for the bar exam, or who have recently taken the bar.

If you have any questions or comments (or ideas on what to examine) send me a message and I will see what I can do.


Connect with me on Linkedin!

2018 July Bar Exam Results

2018 July Bar Exam Results

The Bar Exam results for all States will become available as they are released. Estimated dates for results being released are published if available. If you have additional information, or know of a result that has been published, please leave it in the comments...

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