Are you one of those individuals who have slaved away during your first year of law school, killed it during finals, and are wondering whether you should transfer? If you are, Ann Levine, a former contributor for US News, and Law School Expert, wrote a great article a few years ago which mentioned you should consider all aspects of transferring, including three main drawbacks including:
- Difficulty in getting a faculty letter of recommendations - Can be difficult as you are asking a professor to endorse you leaving the school.
- Inability to Participate in OCIs - Some schools have in the past refused to allow people looking to transfer to participate in On Campus Interviews
- Lost Opportunities - As a new student at a new school, you now have to compete with others to participate in law review, being a “smaller fish in a bigger pond.”
If you are interested in transferring to a different school, the American Bar Association recently released its stats on the number of students who were accepted at schools as transfers. Georgetown (#15 in US News Lawschool Rankings) as well as George Washintgon University (#30) accepted the highest number of transfer students this past year.
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If you are interested in transferring to another law school, definitly check out some of Ann’s posts, and her book “The Law School Admissions Game”