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The American Bar Association Changes Membership Model (Lowering Fees)
The American Bar Association in recent years has been undergoing a transformation to be more in line with the needs of attorneys. Part of that (and in response to declining membership) has been a restructuring of fees. Remember, if you are a new bar admittee you get...
5 Books to Read While Looking for a Law Job
Ok, so you’ve taken the bar exam, you’re waiting on your results, you’re applying for jobs but seem to just have a lot of down time. If you’re in California, it won’t be until either May or November that you will receive your results, so you’ve got some time. During...
You’ve Taken the Bar, Now Get a Jump On Those Student Loans
Ok, so you’ve gone through law school, taken the bar exam, and now have a few months before you receive your bar exam results. You’re looking for a job and interviewing, but don’t have the money to make any payments. Whatever you do, don’t ignore your student loans!...
Should You Work While In Law School?
Let’s start off with one thing. Law School is Expensive! Although you may be working hard to get a partial/full scholarship it is still going to cost a full six figures for most students. If you choose to take summer classes (including unpaid internships) you can...
How to Prepare for Your First Semester in Law School
With Law School about to start in a few weeks, it is time to start thinking about how you are going to tackle your first semester in law school. You will notice very quickly just how different Law School is from college. Below are 5 tips for preparing for your first...
These Are Your Best Schools for Getting into Large Law (500+ attorneys)
This year 4,607 students out of 34,958 (roughly 13%) went onto first-year associate positions in large law. Unsurprisingly Harvard University had the highest number of students go onto careers in big law with 325 students making it into some of America’s largest law...