The Scholarship and Grant tracker monitor how schools have changed their scholarships, rates, and loss ratios over the last few years.

Scholarship Benchmark Tool

This scholarship benchmark compares the total number of students to the total number of those receiving scholarship.


Scholarship Tracker

The scholarship tracker provides a breakdown of how each school’s scholarship population has changed over time and the 50th percentile of the scholarships given. To see the other grant amounts, mouse over the bar.


  1. Select schools from the drop down in the top-right corner of the tool.
  2. The top pane displays number of students and students receiving grants over time.
  3. The bottom panes displays the 50th percentile scholarship amount for both part time and full time students.
  4. Mousing over any of the bars on the top pane allows you to see more detailed scholarship amounts.

Conditional Scholarship Tracker

Conditional scholarships are determined by whether a prospective student can maintain a certain Grade Point Average. The Scholarship Tracker shows the number of students entering a particular school and the number of students who lost their scholarships after the first year.


  1. Select schools from the drop down in the top-right corner of the tool.
  2. Each bar shows the total number of students both entering and those having scholarships eliminated for each school year.
  3. If your school does not offer conditional scholarships (e.g. Harvard), no graph will be shown.

If you are interested in some of the other tools, like how law school tuition has changed, check out the Law school Tuition Tracker here.

Copyright © 2015 by James Mullen, J.D., Published at James Mullen is the author of “How to Write a Bar Exam Essay in 60 Minutes.” and “Bar Tracker.”

Rights to Reproduce: You may reproduce this post, as long as you leave it unchanged, you don’t charge for it, and you include the entire copyright statement. Please let us know you have used it by sending a website link or an electronic copy to JRMullen1 at gmail dot com.