Post-Law School

Should You Consolidate Your Law School Student Loans?

Should You Consolidate Your Law School Student Loans?

If you didn’t read about the prior article about how to get a jump on your student loans, we recommend you go catch up and read it. Before answering the question of whether you should consolidate your student loans, the first thing to figure out is what student loans...

5 Books to Read While Looking for a Law Job

5 Books to Read While Looking for a Law Job

Ok, so you’ve taken the bar exam, you’re waiting on your results, you’re applying for jobs but seem to just have a lot of down time. If you’re in California, it won’t be until either May or November that you will receive your results, so you’ve got some time. During...

You’ve Taken the Bar, Now Get a Jump On Those Student Loans

You’ve Taken the Bar, Now Get a Jump On Those Student Loans

Ok, so you’ve gone through law school, taken the bar exam, and now have a few months before you receive your bar exam results. You’re looking for a job and interviewing, but don’t have the money to make any payments. Whatever you do, don’t ignore your student loans!...

The ABA Releases the Result of its Law School Employment Survey

The American Bar Association just completed and released the results of its Annual Employment survey across all ABA-accredited law schools. You can download each school’s results here, along with a list of definitions for the different types of positions. What Is the...

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