Resources For Law School

If you are looking to go to law school, here are a few resources we’ve found scouring the internet that can be helpful. If you have a resource that you think should be included. Drop us a note!

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Top Picks from Amazon

Written by students, for students, Law School Confidential was written in 2011 was recently updated. The author, Robert H. Miller assembled a panel of recent graduates from across the country to offer realistic and informative firsthand advice about what law school is really like.

The book contains contains strategies for the admissions process through the bar exam. It contains information on: navigating the admissions process; securing financial aid; securing a seat on the law review; getting a judicial clerkship; passing the bar exam, and more. Check it out here.

First published in 2009, one of Amazon’s bestselling admissions guide provides detailed information on how to present yourself in the law school application process. Ann Levine, who also runs the Law School Expert, brings more than a decade of experience in law school admissions. She was director of student services at University of Denver, and created this guide to provide advice about writing the best law school personal statements, how to choose people to write letters of recommendation, what to include in your resume, how to explain weaknesses in your application such as a low GPA or LSAT score, the best way to prepare for the LSAT, and how to choose a law school.

The book doesn’t just stop at submitting your law school application packet. It helps explain what to do if you are on a waiting list, negotiating law school scholarships, and transferring to a new law school after your 1L year. Check it out here.

Books to Help You Prepare for the LSAT

The Law School Admissions Council created the 10 Actual series, which are 10 previously administered LSAT. Each book contains the answer key for each test, a writing sample, score conversion table, and sample comparative reading questions and explanations. These tests also are used by LSAT Prep Companies. You can check out the entire series here.

Kaplan’s LSAT Premier 2016-2017 is an updated version of one of the best-selling comprehensive LSAT prep book on the market.This book contains in-depth strategies, test information, and hundreds of real LSAT questions from LSAC for the best in realistic practice with detailed explanations for each. Essentially, it builds on the official releases from the Law School Admissions Council. You can also take advantage of the interactive online companion and iOS app. Check it out here.

Blogs and Websites To Help You In Your Law School Application Process

Law School Admissions Council

The official website for the Law School Admissions Council. The site contains a wealth of information about the application process.

Top Law

Top Law Schools is a website that contains information on every ABA accredited law school. It also has one of the most robust forums for pre-law students. If you have a question, there’s most likely an answer at this site.

Lawschooli is a blog devoted to all things about law school. They offer their own LSAT preparation course, and you can sign-up and receive their free eBook on preparing for the LSAT. Check out one of their epic post, by Josh Craven, who wrote about how he was able to secure a 177 on the LSAT.