Between the February and July sessions, Alaska has just 137 people on average take the bar exam and 88 passing. This gives the state a 64% average pass rate. You can find information on how individuals have performed on the bar exam in recent years, along with data obtained from the American Bar Association on individual school performance.

Quick FAQ on the Alaska Bar Exam

When is the Alaska Bar Exam Administered?

The Alaska bar exam is administered the last Tuesday and Wednesday of February and July and follows the Uniform Bar Exam format.

Who Administers the Alaska Bar Exam:

The Alaska Bar Association
840 K Street, Suite 100
Anchorage, Alaska 99501

When are Results Released for the Alaska Bar Exam:

Results are made available on their website, no specific dates on releasing the results are available, however you can find all information on previous exam periods here.

Latest Bar Exam Releases

February Bar Exam Statistics and Trends for Alaska

The February Bar Exam averages 80 people taking the exam, 51 people passing and a pass rate of 63%. Because the state releases first-time applicant information we can see the number of first-time applicants average 62 people taking the exam, 46% passing, and an average pass rate of 74% In recent years the number of people taking the exam has stayed fairly consistent.

July Bar Exam Statistics and Trends for Alaska

The July Bar Exam averages 80 people taking the exam, with 51 people passing. In recent years the number of people taking the exam has declined, and the overall pass rate has stayed consistent.

School Statistics and Trends for Alaska

The American Bar Association each year collects information on schools that have taken Alaska’s bar exam. While this information is not broken down by February/July session, you can see how schools generally perform in the state. Note, Alaska does not currently have an ABA accredited school