The Bureau of Labor Statistics just released the preliminary results of the July job survey. Overall the legal sector lost 100 jobs for attorneys this month compared to June. As such, the sector continues to be relatively flat from March. According to the Bureau of Labor, the entire industry gained 255,000 jobs, while unemployment remained stagnant at 4.9%. The Professional Services industry (Which contains the legal industry), has done fairly well within the last twelve months. Attorney growth, however, has remained fairly flat.

Professional Services Industry Overview from July Release of BLS.Gov

Professional and business services added 70,000 jobs in July and has added 550,000 jobs
over the past 12 months. Within the industry, employment rose by 37,000 in professional
and technical services in July, led by computer systems design and related services
(+8,000) and architectural and engineering services (+7,000). Employment in management
and technical consulting services continued to trend up (+6,000).

This month, the professional services industry as a whole gained 70,000 jobs, compared to the 10,000 jobs from April. The below chart is an ongoing summary of the BLS monthly releases. Note, the final two months are preliminary numbers.

Additional detail can be found on the BLS website here:
The press release from BLS is here:

Jobs from Indeed

Overall, the results will be finalized in the coming months. In the meantime, see how the 2015 graduating class did on overall employment statistics here: